Elite MMA Baytown’s Robert Yamashita Seeking Win In 4th F2W Appearance This Friday

A four-time Fight 2 Win vet and long-known as the type of competitor willing to take on anyone, Robert Yamashita certainly has a warrior’s spirit. Yet despite all that, he also displays the respect and attitude of an old school martial artist as well, putting character at the forefront of his training and daily life.

We spoke to Robert ahead of his next trip to the stage this Friday night at Fight 2 Win 103.

Tell us a little about yourself and your training.

My name is Robert Yamashita and I’m the head instructor and general manager at Elite MMA Baytown. I’ve been training BJJ going on 14 years. I’ve trained in other martial arts growing up but I enjoy BJJ the most.

How has jiu jitsu impacted the rest of your life?

Jiu Jitsu has helped me in all aspects. Perseverance in the face of a problem, staying calm in a heated moment. Life problems like someone honking or saying something about me aren’t as big of problems as one of teammates trying to choke me or take my arm home.

What do you do when you’re not in the gym?

Spending time with my family and trying to catch up on rest.

Why do you like to compete?

I’ve competed in martial arts my whole life and I like the challenge. I also use it as a test of my technique. What’s working and what is not. But I don’t get too wrapped up in results because that competition is just one day in many days of Jiu Jitsu.

What are your thoughts on Fight 2 Win as a competition platform?

I’ve competed with F2W 4 times on the pro stage and I’ve done multiple tournaments with them. I feel excited and anxious competing in front of friends, family and students. It’s a big deal to a lot of people. I’m just looking forward to representing my team.

How would you describe your style of BJJ to a fan who wants to know what to expect?

My style is well-rounded I think. I prefer playing guard but passing guard is something I’ve worked hard on these past years. I like to give people a show but I’m also trying to get in and get out as quick as possible. I’ve trained hard so this is going to be the culmination of all those tough days in the training room.

My opponent has changed so I don’t focus too much on what they are going to do. I’ve got specific tools that I’m looking to use and I like to see how well I can put them to use against another skilled opponent.

Any prediction on how this match will go?

It’s going to be a fun match.

Do you have any message for your fans/coaches/sponsors/etc?

First, I’d like to thank my wife and kids for living with such an outside the box lifestyle. My training partners, team mates and students that helped me prepare, I hope to show our work. Thanks to Shoyoroll for my business suits and Choke Aloha for taking care of me with island vibes!! I would like to thank my opponent for taking this match. Any person that gets on that stage is tough as nails in my book!

Any last words before the match?

Thanks to Seth, Mike and all the other members of F2W for support and elevating Jiu Jitsu to a more broad audience! Let’s party!!!

By | 2019-02-28T03:06:42+00:00 February 28th, 2019|Blog, Interviews|0 Comments

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