Fight 2 Win 94: A Lifelong Creative, Alan Sanchez Now Takes Aim At F2W Title

10th Planet San Mateo’s Alan Sanchez takes a huge step in his competitive grappling career this Saturday night when he takes on Connor Donaldson for the F2W NOGI welterweight title.

A Bay Area native, Alan transitioned into jiu jitu in what you might call the unconventional way. Rather than coming from a sport like wrestling, MMA or judo, he actually credits drawing as his first love prior to finding himself on the mats while attending college. He has not looked back since and is now splitting his time between training, competing, and teaching. Now he’s looking to achieve this F2W title like he achieved his degree. With long-term goals including winning in ADCC, here’s to hoping Alan’s creativity on the mats is just as impressive as it is on paper.

Read on and get more on his mindset prior to the bout this Saturday night at Fight to Win 94.


Fight 2 Win 94 Interview – Alan Sanchez (10th Planet)


Tell us a little bit about yourself.

I was born and raised in the Bay Area. Growing up I didn’t really play sports, I found an outlet through art. I’ve been drawing my whole life and I didn’t start training until my first semester of college. I remember thinking after my first class that I would probably be doing jiu jitsu forever. Since graduating I’ve just been living jiu jitsu through training, competing, and teaching.

I’ve been training jiu jitsu 4 years now. Monday through Friday I train some kind of grappling 2-3 times a day, then just 1 class on Saturday, and an open mat on Sunday. I also do strength and conditioning 3 times a week.

Who would you consider as some of your main influences in the sport?

My main influences are Adam “Big Red” Sachnoff, Jean Jacques Machado, and Marcelo Garcia.

What are some of your main competition and life goals?

Competitively I am looking to reach the highest level of our sport and compete/win at ADCC. I also have a goal to win an EBI belt one day. Outside of jiu jitsu the biggest thing I want to do is own a house.

What’s your biggest motivation?

(Achieving) Potential is my main motivation. I feel like life throws us a lot of tests to see what we are capable of, and I am just looking to see what I can do.

What’s your biggest fear?

My biggest fear is to wonder what could’ve happened.

How would you describe your jiujitsu to somebody that’s never seen you compete before?

Afro Samurai style.

Your opponent at F2W 94, Connor Donaldson, what do you know about him?

I know he is 4-0 under F2W and has competed and medaled in a lot of tournaments. I try not to worry too much about my opponent, I’m sure he’s coming hard for the title but so am I.

What sub are you predicting for the finish?

I have a few in mind but I like to think about all possibilities so that on the night I can just ride the wave and take whatever I can get.

Any last words?

I want to give thanks to my team 10th Planet San Mateo for everything they do to help me, we are a big family and I know they are about to get loud Nov 17th. I also want to give a big thank you to the whole F2W team because they always put on kickass events.

By | 2018-11-16T21:59:14+00:00 November 16th, 2018|Interviews|0 Comments

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